A Little About Me and how to Contact Me

C21-Photo-of-MeI am a businessman living, with my wife Susan, and working in the Vancouver area of Canada. Photography is a hobby that I pursue with a passion but it is simply that: a passion. I am not a professional and make no pretense to be one. Just an enthusiastic amateur. But, still, I love it. Susan, on the other hand, is a photo critic with the delicious ability to keep my ego in check!

My gear is mainly Canon but that is a happy accident more than design. I know that other brands are equally good and that the result is in the photographer and not in the gear.

My printers are Epson and that is by choice. I have tried others but Epson seems to be the one that works best for me. Photography is all about the print in whatever form that takes and good printers are like good paint and brushes to the artist.

If you read my Blog, which I call ‘The Joy of Light’, you will follow my musings on the hobby and profession of photography. And of course, if you have a look in my Gallery you can judge my work for yourself. I hope it brings you pleasure.

If you wish to contact me you can leave a message below. In most cases I will get back to you quickly. If I have to research a little to come up with an answer to an enquiry it will take a bit longer.

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* Be careful entering your e-mail address. This app sends me your message and the e-mail header does not contain your address. I try to respond to everyone who writes to me but if you enter your e-mail incorrectly I have no way to send you a message.

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