

The Great Pumpkin(s) Susan loves to play with her garden. Each year there is always something new; something different. There are always zucchini, squash, beans. But this year, 2022, she planted pumpkin. Just one vine and it was planted on the edge of our compost...
Susan Project July-Aug

Susan Project July-Aug

Here we are at the last section of the Susan Project. When we are finished with this section we will have posted a picture of Susan on Facebook every day for a year and then posted them here on our family website. Going over the pictures I see that my bookkeeping has...
Susan Project May Jun

Susan Project May Jun

And now we start our fifth two month period of the Susan Project. I was worried in the beginning about having enough good photos of Susan to complete our Project but it seems that we have plenty. I have been finding pictures I had forgotten about to add to those I...
Susan Project Mar-Apr

Susan Project Mar-Apr

So here we are at the end of February 2022 and launching into March and April of the Susan Project. The 1st of March is Day 182 which is about half way through our 365 pictures of Susan. I am actually some of the pictures I have taken of my sweetheart and some of the...
Susan Project January-February

Susan Project January-February

As I said, we are breaking this Project into two month sections of which this is the third. That way the pages don’t get to long and it is easier to find a picture. The buttons at the bottom of the page will take you to other pages in the Project. The first day...
Susan Project November-December

Susan Project November-December

As I said, we are breaking this Project into two month sections of which this is the second. That way the pages don’t get to long and it is easier to find a picture. The buttons at the bottom of the page will take you to other pages in the Project.   No. 62...