The Joy of Light

“Light makes photography. Admire it. Love it. But, above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.”

George Eastman

I have always felt that photography, in the right hands, is an art form. However, sometimes it is hard to tell when, and how, the craft of photography can become an art and whether a particular image meets that criteria. I have often thought a lot about this in my own photography. And that is the subject of this Blog: how do I find the Art in Photography and how do I know when I have found it?

I hope you find my thoughts on the subject entertaining and, occasionally, informative.

You will notice that I have not included a way for you to directly engage in comments or argument about my comments. I don’t want to be in the position of having to police comments or censor people views or way of expressing themselves. I am too old for that. However, if you wish to engage with me directly  go over to the “Contact Me” page and drop me a line. I try to answer all of the comments I receive and If I find feedback that helps me develop my own thinking I will write about it here.

Contrast Detection Autofocus

Contrast Detection Autofocus

Contrast Detection AutofocusFlynn Marr                                                                                                                                   3 August 2024The  AL-1 was Canon's first foray into a 35mm interchangeable single lens reflex...

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Not Great

Not Great

Not So Great is GoodFlynn Marr                                                          27 June 2024Let's face it: sad but true, I'm not a great photographer. I have been at this a long time, I have taken hundreds of thousands of pictures, I know my way around my...

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A Mountain Morning

A Mountain Morning

A Mountain MorningFlynn Marr                                                                         19 April 2024Photography is like so many other activities thatyou ignore for a few weeks and you lose youredge. You have to work at it if you expect tokeep creating...

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Words to RememberQuotations about Photography worth Thinking AboutFlynn Marr | 23 January 2024“Migrant Mother” by Dorothea Lange taken in 1936 as the depression raged across AmericaI originally wrote this Post in August of 2014 and looking at it now I realize that...

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Pictorialismby Flynn | Dec 26, 2023In our post "But is it Art (Part II)" we were discussing two early schools of thought about photography: Pictorialism and Naturalism. Both terms are actually difficult to define closely and looking at pictures it can be difficult to...

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But is it Art (Part II)

But is it Art (Part II)

When I wrote “But is it Art (Part 1)” it was my intention to examine the struggle of photography to be recognized as a legitimate art form and in the process have a look at what constitutes Art. That is a big subject and I was going to make it a series of two or three...

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A Walk in the Park

A Walk in the Park

A Walk in the ParkSeeing the Photograph before you Click the ShutterFall in Confederation Park. This lovely spot is only a five minute walk from our house.“The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera”. This was said by Dorothea Lange, a...

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Lens, Book and Camera

Lens, Book and Camera

Another day with the GuysLens, Book and CameraOctober 1st was the latest Camera Show here in Vancouver and as usual I had my table. Again I went to this show with very little in the way of cameras to sell. I did take lots of camera cases and other stuff that I have...

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Buying Prints

Buying Prints

Buying Photographic PrintsThoughts on the Market for PhotographsHave you ever noticed how few photographs you see hanging in peoples homes as art? There are lots of family pictures but seldom do you see a photographic print hung simply as art to be enjoyed. You see...

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We've Been Hacked!And I thought it would Never Happen to Me!My hobby is photography. Although I have some experience in electronics and computer programming, that is not my interest. I like to take pictures, I like to collect cameras, and I like to shoot film in my...

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The Same is Always Different

The Same is Always Different

On the side of the house we have a Lady who stands in the garden looking after the flowers. She is one of my favorite subjects.Have you ever heard someone pondering what to photograph? I have and I have had the experience of making a suggestion only to be told that...

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The Process is Irrelevant

The Process is Irrelevant

There are some days when I come out on the front porch of our home and the picture before me is breathtaking. The light is just right, the air is clear, and the clouds in the sky are perfect. I had such a day this past winter and, of course, I got my camera and took a...

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