The Joy of Light

“Light makes photography. Admire it. Love it. But, above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.”

George Eastman

I have always felt that photography, in the right hands, is an art form. However, sometimes it is hard to tell when, and how, the craft of photography can become an art and whether a particular image meets that criteria. I have often thought a lot about this in my own photography. And that is the subject of this Blog: how do I find the Art in Photography and how do I know when I have found it?

I hope you find my thoughts on the subject entertaining and, occasionally, informative.

You will notice that I have not included a way for you to directly engage in comments or argument about my comments. I don’t want to be in the position of having to police comments or censor people views or way of expressing themselves. I am too old for that. However, if you wish to engage with me directly  go over to the “Contact Me” page and drop me a line. I try to answer all of the comments I receive and If I find feedback that helps me develop my own thinking I will write about it here.

The Art is in the Print

The Art is in the Print

I do not actually make many prints. Out of thousands of photographs I will create maybe one or two prints. For me, the making of the print is a special thing and I put much effort into it. This is the creation of the Art. I have said before in these pages that, for...

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Consider the Pencil

Consider the Pencil

  Consider the pencil. Worth five cents it is a common item found in every home. And yet, in the right hands, it can be used to create beautiful images. Pencil sketches can rise, unquestionably, to the realm of art. Many of the greatest artists made sketches with...

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Art is Difficult

Art is Difficult

the Obvious is not always Obvious Some things that we should have always known take a long time to reveal themselves. What should be obvious is not always so. For example, today I decided to take an hour and visit a park in Surrey I know of to...

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October Camera Show

October Camera Show

Last weekend was the most recent edition of the Vancouver Camera show and as usual it was a great deal of fun. I had my table again and was able to sell enough of this and that to pay for my table fee. The hall was busy, lots of people, and great conversation. I had...

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Hangin’ with the Artists

Hangin’ with the Artists

Joanne and one of her gorgeous paintings! Last Friday I was back at the Italian Market in Burnaby. Susan and I were on our way out to a dance and wanted to grab a bite to eat there and have a quick visit with our son-in-law, Joe, who was playing the music for the...

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150 Pictures

150 Pictures

Just over a month ago I received an E-mail from my camera club saying that there was a photo exhibition in Richmond, not far from where I work. Other than it was a showing of Chinese photography there was little in the way of information. The exhibition was to run...

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The Print Makers

The Print Makers

Photographers should hang around artists. I've talked before here about the benefits for a photographer of going to art galleries and shows. If you are thinking about your craft seriously these events will get your mind churning. I am not talking about photo...

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And Speaking of Books ….

And Speaking of Books ….

The Gods of Photography are not dead! And furthermore, they do speak to us. What follows is a true story and, to me at least, it is pretty strange. Last week I was at my day job, you know, the one that I need but also the one that keeps me from my photography. Yes,...

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RPRT Photography

RPRT Photography

When I was younger, sometime in the last sixty years, I used to take a lot of pictures. And every so often one would stand out from the others: it would glow and shimmer and utterly amaze me. I remember the first time this happened. I was in Wales in 1958 and we had...

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Travel Art

Travel Art

Susan and I have just come back from a short vacation to Cuba and the Caribbean. As part of our trip, like always, I have taken many pictures. I think some of them are very nice and worth working up into prints. But that has got me thinking about when an image becomes...

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Thoughts on a Picture

Thoughts on a Picture

This past Christmas had several days of beautiful white snow. I am sure there were many who did not appreciate it but I found it wonderful. It was a chance to get out into the winter with a camera and try to capture it: not just get a picture of it but to actually...

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Brownie Target Six-20

Brownie Target Six-20

Well, Father forgive me for I have sinned. But salvation comes through confession and I have a confession: I am a Camera Junkie! I tried to hide this fact by saying I was a Camera Collector. Not just any camera collector, but a cream-of-the-crop "Canon Collector". I...

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