150 Pictures

150 Pictures

Just over a month ago I received an E-mail from my camera club saying that there was a photo exhibition in Richmond, not far from where I work. Other than it was a showing of Chinese photography there was little in the way of information. The exhibition was to run...
The Target Six-16

The Target Six-16

It has happened again! This time I was at a swap meet this past Sunday. You know, people with tables full of stuff to sell. All kinds of collectibles, neat stuff to buy, new stuff to learn about. For instance I came across a beautiful copy of “Queen...
The Print Makers

The Print Makers

Photographers should hang around artists. I’ve talked before here about the benefits for a photographer of going to art galleries and shows. If you are thinking about your craft seriously these events will get your mind churning. I am not talking about photo...
And Speaking of Books ….

And Speaking of Books ….

The Gods of Photography are not dead! And furthermore, they do speak to us. What follows is a true story and, to me at least, it is pretty strange. Last week I was at my day job, you know, the one that I need but also the one that keeps me from my photography. Yes,...
RPRT Photography

RPRT Photography

When I was younger, sometime in the last sixty years, I used to take a lot of pictures. And every so often one would stand out from the others: it would glow and shimmer and utterly amaze me. I remember the first time this happened. I was in Wales in 1958 and we had...