Welcome to

The Canon Collection

Several years ago I began to collect Canon cameras. Since then I have come to spend far more time on this hobby than I reasonably should.

As I have acquired cameras I found
the need to keep a record of the
collection and my research into it.
And out of that need has grown
this website. It has become a
reference for me and if it helps
others that is all to the good.

The information on this first page
will help you find your way around
all of the other hundreds of pages
of information. It can be daunting to
find the information you seek. So, do
yourself a favour and read this page. It will
help you make better use of what is here.

However, bear in mind that this is a work in progress and some parts of it are partially done only and it is far from complete. I actually create the pages in real time live on the site. This means that you will come across pages that are being created as you view them. I know that this is considered bad web practice but you must remember that this is a working site and a tool of mine. This method best suits my work routine.

“For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument
of intuition and spontaneity.”

Henri Cartier-Bresson

The Collection is part of my Photography website but separated from it. It sounds strange, but an interest in Photography does not always mean an interest in Cameras. The Menu along the top edge of the page takes you to my Photography. The Menu for the Collection will be found on the right sidebar, but only if you are in the Collection.

There are two Blogs on this website. One concerns the search for Art in Photography. It is called “the Joy of Light” and is accessed on the top menu. Going there takes you out of the Collection. The other is “the Camera Notes” and it is technical stuff about cameras. It can only be accessed from within the Collection via the menu on the right side of any Collection page.

There is a great deal of printed material, brochures, manuals, catalogues about cameras and Canon in particular. I have collected much of this material and have found much on the internet and have drawn it into one place here: the Library. This little collection is beginning to become useful in my research. I also have a great deal I have not yet posted, but, it is coming, some day!

Other what? Other cameras of course! Although I collect Canon cameras I enjoy cameras of all types and when I come across them in good condition at a good price I buy them. I shoot them, play with them, research them, and then put them on my “Others” shelf. You will see them on this website so don’t get confused. This site is about Canon cameras. It’s sort of like a vegitarian sneaking in a piece of steak now and then. So bad …. but so tasty!

As my site grew over the first few years I began to lose track of where I put stuff. So, I began an Index Page which grows daily. It is for information on my site alone and does not catalogue other sites on the internet. And not everything here is listed there yet but I am working on it.  Creating an Index is more complex than it looks. However, if you seek something specific on my site, I would certainly start here, in the Index.

A Word about the Photographs

Most of the photography on this site is my own. I have used images from other sources as well and they are either obviously not mine or I have noted that they are not. I don’t mind you copying my images for your personal use. You should use more care with images that are not mine as they may have copyright issues. And, please, do not use any images here for commercial or business use. If you want to do that please drop me a note and seek permission. This will generally not be refused. If you are going to re-post on your own website, a link back would be appreciated.

Camera and Lens Condition

Buying and selling used cameras, which collecting mostly is, has the problem of describing the condition. This is especially true when we are bargaining with someone who is miles or even continents away. There has to be a common understanding of what the descriptive words mean.

I have looked at what others have decided on this issue and have come up with the following definitions, which I shall use throughout this website. When you see me use the word on the left, you will know I mean the words on the right.

One exception: because I am collecting for display, and not necessarily to use the camera, and because over time they will all prove non functional, these descriptions do not imply anything about the functioning of the camera. I will indicate the operational status separately if it is relevant to the conversation.

Mint or As New

Almost indistinguishable from new with no visible wear, dents or scratches, no dust. Such a camera is probably operational but I will comment on that separately.


Light signs of use, very minor marks or scratches, grips and rubber areas undamaged, no dust.


Moderate signs of use but original finish at least 90% intact, no dents, small scratches or dust.


Obvious signs of use, original finish at least 80% intact, small scratches, dents or signs of wear.

Well Used

Showing heavy use, at least 70 % of original finish in place, numerous scratches, dents or dust, damaged or peeling rubber, missing or damaged plugs, doors or covers.

As Is

Not working partially or completely non-functional, parts missing, heavy wear, scratches or dents suitable for repair, for parts, or as a place holder in a collection until a finer copy may be obtained.

Now this is a collection! A man’s dreams should exceed his grasp or what’s a heaven for? (this image is from a Canon advertisement)

This website is the work of R. Flynn Marr who is solely responsible for its contents which are subject to his claim of copyright. User Manuals, Brochures and Advertising Materials of Canon and other manufacturers available on this site are subject to the copyright claims and are the property of Canon and other manufacturers and they are offered here for personal use only.


We have a News Letter


We have been asked to give notice of new content on our site so we have a News Letter!. Just give us your e-mail and we will send it to you. We don't use it to sell stuff and we certainly don't pass it on to anyone else. We just want you to know what we're doing.

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