Scanning sans Scanner

Scanning sans Scanner

Thoughts on the efficient Digitizing of your Film Negatives The options for moving your images from film to computer include more than scanning at home or professional digitizing. But what  other options exist and how well do they work? I have described before my way...
Art is Difficult

Art is Difficult

the Obvious is not always Obvious Some things that we should have always known take a long time to reveal themselves. What should be obvious is not always so. For example, today I decided to take an hour and visit a park in Surrey I know of to take pictures of the...
October Camera Show

October Camera Show

Last weekend was the most recent edition of the Vancouver Camera show and as usual it was a great deal of fun. I had my table again and was able to sell enough of this and that to pay for my table fee. The hall was busy, lots of people, and great conversation. I had...
The Rare Camera Auction

The Rare Camera Auction

I subscribe to a lot of photo stuff on the internet. Obviously too much because I can’t read and watch all of the material that washes up in my inbox. There are a few old standbys I always read and most that I just thumb through. And then there are those that go...
Hangin’ with the Artists

Hangin’ with the Artists

Joanne and one of her gorgeous paintings! Last Friday I was back at the Italian Market in Burnaby. Susan and I were on our way out to a dance and wanted to grab a bite to eat there and have a quick visit with our son-in-law, Joe, who was playing the music for the...