Thoughts on a Picture

Thoughts on a Picture

This past Christmas had several days of beautiful white snow. I am sure there were many who did not appreciate it but I found it wonderful. It was a chance to get out into the winter with a camera and try to capture it: not just get a picture of it but to actually...
Brownie Target Six-20

Brownie Target Six-20

Well, Father forgive me for I have sinned. But salvation comes through confession and I have a confession: I am a Camera Junkie! I tried to hide this fact by saying I was a Camera Collector. Not just any camera collector, but a cream-of-the-crop “Canon...
How to be a Better Photographer

How to be a Better Photographer

The Brownie Hawkeye is a simple box camera introduced by Kodak in 1949. It was fixed focus, fixed iris, fixed shutter speed. And it worked just fine. To aim the camera you looked into the viewfinder, the lens on top, and saw the scene through the top lens on the...
Creme de la Nikon

Creme de la Nikon

Well, yes, I know this is supposed to be about Canon. But sometimes we have to take a side trip to gain some perspective. And this particular piece of news is a tad discouraging as a collector. But I have always known there will be lots of cameras I will never be able...
Vancouver Camera Show

Vancouver Camera Show

I like camera shows. I’m new to them. My first was this past spring and just last Sunday I was at my most recent. After four shows I am beginning to know people and I’m starting to really enjoy getting together with guys who like what I like and...