I bought a book the other day and, as books will do, it got me to thinking. I shouldn’t buy books. No, no that is not the thought. I got to thinking that I don’t really know what I’m talking about. At my age that is a rather discouraging discovery. But this is what...
Photography, like writing, has the ability to be many things. And one of those things is as a keeper of memory. It can record facts like no other medium. And in some cases, like music, it can recall people and places along with powerful associated emotions. But one...
This is the Yashica D I acquired in the last several days. You can see that it is in excellent condition. That’s the problem with collecting, isn’t it: like a sweet tooth, once you get a taste you can’t stop. I just wrote about buying a Yashica A...
Every so often I feel like shooting a roll of film. I know it is an affliction that seems mad to many but I enjoy it. It is always fun and it takes me back to my early days in photography. Now, black and white film does not suit every subject and one must chose...
This is not my Dad’s Yashica “A” I talk about here but one I have acquired recently and cleaned up. I am standing between my Aunt Katherine and Uncle Harold at the Honolulu airport in Hawaii in 1958 and in my hands I am holding my Dad’s Yashica...