Filter Ring Dents

Filter Ring Dents

Fixing the Problem of Filter Ring Dents I was on the FD Lenses Facebook page the other day and a question was posted about what to do with lens filter ring dents. The front edge of the lens into which you can screw a filter gets dented when the lens is dropped or the...
Interesting Show

Interesting Show

April 30th was A Very Interesting Camera Show wherein I learned a bunch! Yesterday, the 30th of April, there was another camera show at the Croatian Cultural Center. This time I was not that enthused about going. There was a lot going on at homee and I had a lot of...
Why Do We Collect

Why Do We Collect

The Big Question Why do we Collect Cameras? then we’ll discuss something simple like “What is Art?” Do you ever wonder why you collect something? When I look at the 400 plus cameras I have acquired I certainly question it. My wife does not however....
Buying Prints

Buying Prints

Buying Photographic Prints Thoughts on the Market for Photographs Have you ever noticed how few photographs you see hanging in peoples homes as art? There are lots of family pictures but seldom do you see a photographic print hung simply as art to be enjoyed. You see...


We’ve Been Hacked! And I thought it would Never Happen to Me! My hobby is photography. Although I have some experience in electronics and computer programming, that is not my interest. I like to take pictures, I like to collect cameras, and I like to shoot film...