Photographing the Dance

Photographing the Dance

Motion is captured in the gossamer fabric flowing around the dancers while music can be heard in the beauty of the form. The woman seems to be floating on the wind. Dance is movement set to music. Those two things, movement and music are essential to the activity....
Still Life

Still Life

Learning to be a photographer is not as easy as it may appear. Learning to find your own photographic voice is harder still, and, very elusive. A whole industry has grown up around the concept of teaching you to be a great photographer. But, is it something you can...
The Art is in the Print

The Art is in the Print

I do not actually make many prints. Out of thousands of photographs I will create maybe one or two prints. For me, the making of the print is a special thing and I put much effort into it. This is the creation of the Art. I have said before in these pages that, for...
Consider the Pencil

Consider the Pencil

Consider the pencil. Worth five cents it is a common item found in every home. And yet, in the right hands, it can be used to create beautiful images. Pencil sketches can rise, unquestionably, to the realm of art. Many of the greatest artists made sketches with a...
Art is Difficult

Art is Difficult

the Obvious is not always Obvious Some things that we should have always known take a long time to reveal themselves. What should be obvious is not always so. For example, today I decided to take an hour and visit a park in Surrey I know of to take pictures of the...
October Camera Show

October Camera Show

Last weekend was the most recent edition of the Vancouver Camera show and as usual it was a great deal of fun. I had my table again and was able to sell enough of this and that to pay for my table fee. The hall was busy, lots of people, and great conversation. I had...