The Italian Gardens

The Italian Gardens

I have set myself a new project: to photograph the Italian Gardens in Hastings Park in Vancouver. I spoke of projects in my discussion of the  Sofitel Grand Hotel in Amsterdam earlier. By setting goals one imposes discipline and fosters a problem solving mentality....
The World of Fantasy

The World of Fantasy

I’m not sure that ‘The World of Fantasy’ is a good title for this observation. But what else do you call it? Maybe the word ‘Art’ is enough. What we are about to discuss is not portraiture in the strict sense and certainly not landscape...
In the Fog

In the Fog

I like the fog. (Susan says I am always in one!) In British Columbia we are lucky to have misty days and to me they are full of mystery and peacefulness. Everything is so soft and easy on the eye and familiar scenes are made new and interesting. I like the colors:...
Projects are Important

Projects are Important

It is important to set goals. This is especially true in photography. When we are engrossed in a hobby we enjoy it is easy to drift in the enjoyment of the moment but at the end of the day have nothing to show for it! But what goal? Well, that is where setting...
Images are All Around You

Images are All Around You

I have been asked where I find the images I take. People actually think that somehow I go places they don’t and find subjects they never get to photograph. But that is far from the truth. Actually, I don’t go on special photographic expeditions: I just...
Ship of State

Ship of State

Have you noticed how a scene will connect with something within you; you look at it and you don’t want to pull your eyes away; you photograph it and you keep returning to the image; your mind keeps going back to it. It is different images for each of us. We all...