Well, another camera show has come and gone and the more I go to these things the more I enjoy them. This one had an interesting twist. I found an EOS-1N RS at Kerrisdale camera for a pretty decent price, although not cheap. I wasn’t going to buy it but then, I thought about the camera show. I thought I could pick up a few bucks selling it at the show. At least that is how I explained it to my conscience.
So I bought the camera and put it on my table, with a small price increase for my trouble. But any time someone looked at it my heart sank. The EOS-1 series are so neat! (But that is a subject for another posting.) Well, anyway, the bad news is that it didn’t sell and I had a big hole in my bank account. But the good news is that I sold enough other stuff to fill that hole a couple of times over and take cash home. And I get to keep the EOS-1N. So life is good!
This was Tonchi’s spring show. He had a show last November, which I wrote about here, which was really good. This one last Sunday was even better: more people, more tables, more sales! It was fun.
I’ve been collecting for about two years now and have been to half a dozen camera shows. I’m meeting many of the same people and really enjoying them and the conversation. I am getting a firmer grip on prices and learning a lot about cameras. These things are a “must go” for anyone interested in cameras or photography.
It’s amazing how much stuff you pick up collecting. Every time I buy something it usually comes with stuff I either have or don’t want. Every time I buy a camera, it seems to come with a camera bag. I have a warehouse full of bags. But I sold a bunch on Sunday. What a deal for someone: five bucks each. But I didn’t have to take them home and that is good!
Now, about these pictures. Well, I apologize. I made a mistake. I didn’t want to lug my 60D around so I took my wife’s point and shoot instead. Big mistake. Great for 4 x 6 prints but otherwise …. well…. They are what they are. I cannot think of a better testimonial for DSLR’s.
And here is my table all set to go. I got set up quick and early so I could watch other tables unpack their stuff.
There was lots to sort through. And it is not easy when this feast is laid before you and you have to go through it trying to find bits and pieces you don’t have but that you want. And you have to do this with people all around you trying to do the same thing.
So what did I buy. Well, not very much, at least, not compared to other shows. I found a very nice “Chrome Nose” 50mm FD lens. It was filthy but when I got home it cleaned up beautifully. The price was right considering how dirty it was and in the end I was thrilled with it.
And then there was Gunter who brought me an almost mint Canon AE-1 Program in a camera bag with lenses, a flash and filters and other stuff. His price was most reasonable and I was able to immediately sell the flash and the lens which gave me a really nice camera for very cheap. And at the next show I will have my AE-1 Program from my collection on the table for sale. It too is beautiful and working, but, it is not as excellent as Gunter’s.
And I bought some booklets to scan and post here, some filters, and an nice book on the early history of photography. And that was it. But the things I bought, to me, are treasures.
Tonchi is having another show in November and I have already said I want a table. But for now, I am looking forward to a show in Kent, Washington, on Saturday. This collecting is so much fun!