A Walk with the Canon Pellix

A Walk with the Canon Pellix

Taking out my old cameras , like my Canon Pellix, for a photo walk has become a bit of a surprise. I thought I was just going to take a walk down memory lane and reconnect with my days of picture taking in the 50’s and 60’s. But it is fast becoming much more than...
A Camera Show in Portland

A Camera Show in Portland

This past weekend my son-in-law Joe and I went down to Portland for a Camera Show. We have a lot of fun at these things. I like looking at the cameras and seeking out little treasures to take home. There is always something to buy. And Joe and I really enjoy the...
Dan Jurak

Dan Jurak

I love the work of other photographers and the internet has opened a whole world of talent and technique to all of us. Looking at what others are doing excites me and fires my imagination. I am constantly getting the “I want to do that” feeling! I write about the work...
Photography with the Canon F-1

Photography with the Canon F-1

In keeping with my desire to shoot my old cameras I chose my F-1n, the modified version of the original F-1, as my next subject. This camera is not exactly collector grade, it’s a little beat up, but it appears to function well. Having used it in this little test I...
The 625 Mercury Cell

The 625 Mercury Cell

The Mercury Cell Problem The PX625 mercury cell was a great little battery. Its main feature was its ability to provide a steady stable voltage over its lifetime and then fail quickly when its life was over. This stability made it perfect for use in measuring...