How to be a Better Photographer

How to be a Better Photographer

The Brownie Hawkeye is a simple box camera introduced by Kodak in 1949. It was fixed focus, fixed iris, fixed shutter speed. And it worked just fine. To aim the camera you looked into the viewfinder, the lens on top, and saw the scene through the top lens on the...


So here is the train of thought: using my old cameras with B&W film; being impressed with B&W images and wanting to explore them; what happens if I put color back into them; how do we relate to color in photography? Other people go around thinking about...
Carte de Visite

Carte de Visite

My Cartes de Visite are small, about 65 by 106 millimeters, on very heavy card stock. The images are on very thin paper glued to the card. Susan wanted to got to an antique show here in Vancouver this past weekend. I had heard that there were also cameras at this...
Art and Style and Photography

Art and Style and Photography

As you have seen, in these pages I have mused about the meanings of Art and Style as it relates to photography. Recently my good wife got me thinking about this subject again. You see, the other day I was out taking pictures of railway tracks. Strange, you say? Well,...
Being a Photographer

Being a Photographer

I subscribe to all kinds of e-mail lists about things photographic. Most turn out to be advertising and I hit the delete button but there are gems amongst the dross. The other day I received an e-mail from entitled “You Know Your a...
Why am I Shooting Film?

Why am I Shooting Film?

The Canon EF is a lovely camera to shoot, although it is more work than a modern Digital SLR. All of the pictures on this post were taken with this camera pictured. It began as a desire to try out some of my old cameras and to revisit a world I left back in the...