

noun in·spi·ra·tion ˌin(t)-spə-ˈrā-shən, -(ˌ)spi- : something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone In one of the many e-mail newsletters I get, usually crafted to...
The Collector

The Collector

So, the other day my daughter calls me with a problem: she has cameras, lots of them, and she is planning to put them in the dumpster. Do I want to see them, Dad? Well …. Hell yes! Kathleen’s father-in-law, Bill, died recently and my daughter and her husband are...
My Fourth Camera

My Fourth Camera

In my last year of high school I worked part time in a photo store in the Humbertown Mall in Etobicoke which was a suburb of Toronto. It was a great job and a great place to learn more about photography. One day a consignment came in to be sold: a Leica M-3 with 50mm...
Peter Lik

Peter Lik

Peter Lik is a photographer’s photographer. I’ve been in his galleries in Lahaina, in Honolulu, and in Las Vegas and I love them. He has other galleries and a list of them is on his website. According to his bio he is an Australian who, like me, was given a...
Caught in the Web

Caught in the Web

Three years ago when I decided to create a photography website and blog I thought it would be easy. A domain name and web hosting would cost about ten dollars a month: at least this is what the ads led you to believe. WordPress was free and easy. Well, it was free and...