Out in the Woods

Out in the Woods

If you go out in the woods today you’re sure of a big surprise ……. well, if you’re my age you know that song. It has to do with picnics and teddy bears. But I’m thinking that if you go out in the woods today with your camera you’re in for...
100 Images of Italy 2014

100 Images of Italy 2014

I have just returned from a month in Italy and it is good to be back. But now comes the work. In addition to all of the other things I have to do, I have 5300, give or take, photos to sort through and organize. No easy task. We travelled with our daughter and son in...
A Point of View

A Point of View

Photography, like life, is a matter of point of view. And sometimes the best photos are taken by looking at something from a unique perspective. For instance, the other day I was trying to emulate a photographer I admire very much by the name of Denis Colette. His...
Thinking of Water

Thinking of Water

I came across some images the other day that caught my eye. And as often happens that started a chain of thought. I’ll deal with those images in a minute but first we have to take a step back before we can go forward. I have noticed of late a plethora of...

Words to Remember

“Migrant Mother” by Dorothea Lange taken in 1936 as the depression raged across America I receive a newsletter every so often from the “Digital Photography School” out of Australia. I can’t remember signing up for it but that doesn’t surprise me. I spend a...