The Joy of Light

“Light makes photography. Admire it. Love it. But, above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.”

George Eastman

I have always felt that photography, in the right hands, is an art form. However, sometimes it is hard to tell when, and how, the craft of photography can become an art and whether a particular image meets that criteria. I have often thought a lot about this in my own photography. And that is the subject of this Blog: how do I find the Art in Photography and how do I know when I have found it?

I hope you find my thoughts on the subject entertaining and, occasionally, informative.

You will notice that I have not included a way for you to directly engage in comments or argument about my comments. I don’t want to be in the position of having to police comments or censor people views or way of expressing themselves. I am too old for that. However, if you wish to engage with me directly  go over to the “Contact Me” page and drop me a line. I try to answer all of the comments I receive and If I find feedback that helps me develop my own thinking I will write about it here.

Thoughts on the Ukraine

Thoughts on the Ukraine

Tonight I wanted to talk about something different. I want to talk about the Ukraine. For the last three weeks I have listened and watched the absolute tragedy unfolding there and I have felt rage at the events and impotence to do anything about it. For the first time...

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Pictures in the Rain

Pictures in the Rain

This is our path in the woods high above the ocean where we walk in the forest. We are so lucky to have this lovely wilderness to walk in just outside our front door.Pictures in the RainIt rained yesterday. It was cold and misty and the rain came in a flood. I learned...

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What is a Camera

What is a Camera

It was a rainy day when I attended the EOS R Road Trip on Sunset Beach. They had kiosks set up to protect their gear and lots of tables and chairs which, of course, were not useable in the rain.What is a Camera?I have been thinking about cameras today. Well, I am...

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Did I Win?

Did I Win?

I think a great deal about photography. I wonder if it has meaning, I wonder if I am doing it “right”, I wonder if my work is “art”. Much thinking and few answers to bring comfort. But still I think about it. All this thinking has brought me to a view of photography...

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Fun is Enough (sometimes!)

Fun is Enough (sometimes!)

I listen to podcasts about photography. Any time I am engaged in a task that I find tedious, I slip on my headphones, plug into my smart phone, and go to Spotify. Most photography podcasts are simple conversations and it’s like eavesdropping on people who are...

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Critics and Criticism

Critics and Criticism

My wife, Susan, and I walk often for the exercise. We live in an area with woodland trails, parks and beautiful scenery so our walks can be very pleasant. And on these walks I often (well, actually, always is more accurate) bring one of the cameras that is interesting...

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Group Art

Group Art

When I am doing my share of the chores around the house I like to plug into my smart phone and listen to podcasts and music. As you might expect, I follow several photography podcasts. Some are technology and equipment heavy and some are just pleasant conversation...

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New Paint Brushes

New Paint Brushes

Sunday morning and Susan and I decide to begin junking out the garage. This is a job we have both been dreading but it has to be done. For months now I have looked at my workbench in despair of ever being able to use it again. And the rest of the garage is not much...

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The Silk Art Gallery is in an old heritage building in the historic downtown of Port Moody here in B.C.. The only lens I had with me was the new one I had just bought but 50mm was too long to get the whole building in. So I went home to get my 16-35mm zoom. By the...

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But is it Art? (Part I)

But is it Art? (Part I)

A while ago I was saying that I wanted to go back and read the early writings about photography in my search for art. I’d become aware that the questions about the relationship between photography and art go all the way back to the very beginnings of our craft....

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A Simple Brownie Hawkeye Lens

A Simple Brownie Hawkeye Lens

I have written before about my love of the Kodak Brownie Hawkeye camera. It is a beautiful thing from a simple design point of view and it was a perfect snapshot camera considering the technology of the times, the 1950's. The lens is a simple one piece meniscus. In...

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Seeing Old Pictures Anew

Seeing Old Pictures Anew

The Spirit of PhotographyAnne W. Brigman (c. 1905)I am always amazed at how much I don’t know.  I mean that you would think by now I had a good grasp of what I should know. And yet I am continually surprised when I come across something that is new to me in an area...

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