Sony just a Little

Sony just a Little

Well, as you have figured out, I am a Canon fan. Nikon, Pentax, Leica, they all make good equipment, but, I began with Canon and so here I stay. However …. I have to say it …. I have bought a Sony mirrorless. No, I’m not changing sides. But, well, it...
Travel Art

Travel Art

Susan and I have just come back from a short vacation to Cuba and the Caribbean. As part of our trip, like always, I have taken many pictures. I think some of them are very nice and worth working up into prints. But that has got me thinking about when an image becomes...
Another Camera Show

Another Camera Show

Well, another camera show has come and gone and the more I go to these things the more I enjoy them. This one had an interesting twist. I found an EOS-1N RS at Kerrisdale camera for a pretty decent price, although not cheap. I wasn’t going to buy it but then, I...
Target Six-20

Target Six-20

A Day with the Brownie Target Six-20 This is my Kodak Brownie Target 620. It is in new condition and fully functional. But then, there is not much to go wrong with it that cannot be easily fixed. Knowing how you hang on my every word, you will undoubtedly remember my...
620 Film

620 Film

As we have been discussing, I have been shooting a few rolls of B & W film in some of my old cameras. One old camera has been my Kodak Brownie Hawkeye and I have posted some images from it here. One problem has been that this camera uses 620 film which is not...