Shutter Tester

Shutter Tester

Old cameras are not worth a great deal in most cases. I am buying FT’s and FTb’s at US camera shows for $5.00 to $10.00 dollars. It makes no sense to have them serviced when you can acquire them so cheaply. Even paying $100.00 for a camera does not make...


So here is the train of thought: using my old cameras with B&W film; being impressed with B&W images and wanting to explore them; what happens if I put color back into them; how do we relate to color in photography? Other people go around thinking about...
Carte de Visite

Carte de Visite

My Cartes de Visite are small, about 65 by 106 millimeters, on very heavy card stock. The images are on very thin paper glued to the card. Susan wanted to got to an antique show here in Vancouver this past weekend. I had heard that there were also cameras at this...
Art and Style and Photography

Art and Style and Photography

As you have seen, in these pages I have mused about the meanings of Art and Style as it relates to photography. Recently my good wife got me thinking about this subject again. You see, the other day I was out taking pictures of railway tracks. Strange, you say? Well,...
Pellix Redux

Pellix Redux

So, here we are back talking about the Pellix. Well, at least I am. If I am boring you, I apologise. You will recall that I was out shooting with my Pellix earlier and I had a problem with the light seals on the back of the camera and I got fogged film. We then...