The Camera Notes

Keeping notes is essential to the orderly mind and to the orderly collection.

I have never had a great memory
and it is getting worse as I age.
I developed the habit years
ago of keeping notebooks. I
have one for house repairs, a couple
for travel planning, and several forĀ 

subects of interest that I research. And so you can imagine that I have notebooks for my camera collecting. I page number them and at the end of each I create indicies for my camera notebooks to that point. That way I can go back to any subject I want to review.

When the spirit moves me to post in my blogs these books are the basis of those posts. I should post more often but that distracts me from my photography and collecting. There is just not time for everything. However I do hope you find these scratchings to be of interest.

The Camera Notes are strictly about the tecnichal aspects of cameras. If you are interested in my thoughts generally on art and photography then check out the Joy of Light on the top menu. Very little about cameras there: just photography.

Helios 103 Cleaning

Helios 103 Cleaning

Zavod Arsenal Cleaning the Helios 103The Standard Lens for the Kiev 4M and Kiev AMWhen I received my Kiev 4AM from the Ukraine, which I wrote about earlier, it had on it the standard lens for that camera, a Helios 103 53mm f/1.8 lens made at the Zavod Arsenal in Kiev,...

Kiev 4A

Kiev 4A

Zavod ArsenalKiev 4A35mm Rangefinder Contax CloneA Post-War Clone of the Zeiss Ikon Contax IIAt the end of World War II Russia claimed and received the manufacturing rights and equipment to produce the Contax II and III cameras as war reparations. Production began in...

Another Camera Show

Another Camera Show

Waiting Outside the South Arm United Church hallĀ  for the Show to open. I was early to get in with the "Early Birds"Another camera show in Richmond last Saturday and more stuff for the collectionI went to another camera show this past Saturday. It was held in the...

Demi C

Demi C

The Demi C came in a handsome black leather fitted case with two lenses, camera, lens caps and wrist strap.The camera and lenses fit snuggly in the leather case but with enough room that the top zippers shut easily.The Demi CIn 1959 Olympus introduced the first half...

Kiev 4AM

Kiev 4AM

This is my new Kiev 4AM (Ser. No.: 83206678) and its Helios 103 53mm f/1.8 Lens (Ser. No.: 8350836). It is in excellent codition, working at all speeds, with no marks on the external metal and the leatherette cover is pristine.Kiev 4AMYou will recall that I wrote here...

Rangefinder Testing

Rangefinder Testing

You might recall that I was talking about testing my Elmar 50mm f/3.5 lens on my Leica IIIC. That discussion was about how I scanned the images to get sufficient accuracy for the tests. Well, now we have to talk about the tests themselves. Or rather, we have to talk...

Thoughts on the Ukraine

Thoughts on the Ukraine

Tonight I wanted to talk about something different. I want to talk about the Ukraine. For the last three weeks I have listened and watched the absolute tragedy unfolding there and I have felt rage at the events and impotence to do anything about it. For the first time...

Camera Testing

Camera Testing

This is my Leica IIIc in the test setup I used. The camera is sitting in a Canon Camera Holder for stability and mounted on a Giotto tripod.I have acquired a Leica IIIc which sounds strange since I am a Canon collector. However, in my defense, I love all cameras. The...

Camera Show 2021

Camera Show 2021

The show was in the Main Hall at the Croatian Cultural Center in Vancouver. This was the first time we had this much space and it was wonderful. Lots of space for people and vendors.The current Covid 19 crisis shut everything down about a year and a half ago and some...

What is a Camera

What is a Camera

It was a rainy day when I attended the EOS R Road Trip on Sunset Beach. They had kiosks set up to protect their gear and lots of tables and chairs which, of course, were not useable in the rain.What is a Camera?I have been thinking about cameras today. Well, I am...