The Camera Notes

Keeping notes is essential to the orderly mind and to the orderly collection.

I have never had a great memory
and it is getting worse as I age.
I developed the habit years
ago of keeping notebooks. I
have one for house repairs, a couple
for travel planning, and several for 

subects of interest that I research. And so you can imagine that I have notebooks for my camera collecting. I page number them and at the end of each I create indicies for my camera notebooks to that point. That way I can go back to any subject I want to review.

When the spirit moves me to post in my blogs these books are the basis of those posts. I should post more often but that distracts me from my photography and collecting. There is just not time for everything. However I do hope you find these scratchings to be of interest.

The Camera Notes are strictly about the tecnichal aspects of cameras. If you are interested in my thoughts generally on art and photography then check out the Joy of Light on the top menu. Very little about cameras there: just photography.

DX Film Code

DX Film Code

I acquired a Canon Photura camera with which I have been preoccupied for the last several days. A really interesting and somewhat curious machine. But that is not what this story is about. It's about wanting to shoot some film with the camera. My bulk loader contains...

Shooting the A35 F

Shooting the A35 F

  The A35 F, like the other Canonets, is a solid little camera. All black and shiny, around your neck it is real photographic "Jewellery". When I write about a camera I live with it for a few days. I only write about one that I have, so the first thing I do is...

You have to Adapt

You have to Adapt

Continuing on with the subject of using my FD lenses on my DSLR's, I acquired an FD to EOS adapter with the internal lens that allowed focus to infinity but I had never really taken the time to assess it. From what I was reading these things were not without their...

The New Sure Shot

The New Sure Shot

The Canon New Sure Shot (known internationally as the AF35M II or in Japan as the Autoboy 2) was the third camera in Canon's long running Sure Shot series of "Point and Shoot" consumer film cameras. I have just finished writing about it and you can get the technical...

Playing with the Sony NEX-C3

Playing with the Sony NEX-C3

This is my little Sony NEX-C3 which I am enjoying so much. It is simply fun to use it but it is also useful in learning about my lens collection. You may remember that I bought a Sony NEX-C3 to play with. (I wrote about it here) The idea was to have a camera which...

Consider the Pencil

Consider the Pencil

  Consider the pencil. Worth five cents it is a common item found in every home. And yet, in the right hands, it can be used to create beautiful images. Pencil sketches can rise, unquestionably, to the realm of art. Many of the greatest artists made sketches with...

Scanning sans Scanner

Scanning sans Scanner

Thoughts on the efficient Digitizing of your Film Negatives The options for moving your images from film to computer include more than scanning at home or professional digitizing. But what  other options exist and how well do they work? I have...

October Camera Show

October Camera Show

Last weekend was the most recent edition of the Vancouver Camera show and as usual it was a great deal of fun. I had my table again and was able to sell enough of this and that to pay for my table fee. The hall was busy, lots of people, and great conversation. I had...

The Rare Camera Auction

The Rare Camera Auction

I subscribe to a lot of photo stuff on the internet. Obviously too much because I can't read and watch all of the material that washes up in my inbox. There are a few old standbys I always read and most that I just thumb through. And then there are those that go to...

The Target Six-16

The Target Six-16

It has happened again! This time I was at a swap meet this past Sunday. You know, people with tables full of stuff to sell. All kinds of collectibles, neat stuff to buy, new stuff to learn about. For instance I came across a beautiful copy of...