The Camera Notes

Keeping notes is essential to the orderly mind and to the orderly collection.

I have never had a great memory
and it is getting worse as I age.
I developed the habit years
ago of keeping notebooks. I
have one for house repairs, a couple
for travel planning, and several for 

subects of interest that I research. And so you can imagine that I have notebooks for my camera collecting. I page number them and at the end of each I create indicies for my camera notebooks to that point. That way I can go back to any subject I want to review.

When the spirit moves me to post in my blogs these books are the basis of those posts. I should post more often but that distracts me from my photography and collecting. There is just not time for everything. However I do hope you find these scratchings to be of interest.

The Camera Notes are strictly about the tecnichal aspects of cameras. If you are interested in my thoughts generally on art and photography then check out the Joy of Light on the top menu. Very little about cameras there: just photography.

And Speaking of Books ….

And Speaking of Books ….

The Gods of Photography are not dead! And furthermore, they do speak to us. What follows is a true story and, to me at least, it is pretty strange. Last week I was at my day job, you know, the one that I need but also the one that keeps me from my photography. Yes,...

Sony just a Little

Sony just a Little

Well, as you have figured out, I am a Canon fan. Nikon, Pentax, Leica, they all make good equipment, but, I began with Canon and so here I stay. However .... I have to say it .... I have bought a Sony mirrorless. No, I'm not changing sides. But, well, it just...

Another Camera Show

Another Camera Show

Well, another camera show has come and gone and the more I go to these things the more I enjoy them. This one had an interesting twist. I found an EOS-1N RS at Kerrisdale camera for a pretty decent price, although not cheap. I wasn't going to buy it but then, I...

Target Six-20

Target Six-20

A Day with the Brownie Target Six-20 This is my Kodak Brownie Target 620. It is in new condition and fully functional. But then, there is not much to go wrong with it that cannot be easily fixed. Knowing how you hang on my every word, you will undoubtedly remember my...

620 Film

620 Film

As we have been discussing, I have been shooting a few rolls of B & W film in some of my old cameras. One old camera has been my Kodak Brownie Hawkeye and I have posted some images from it here. One problem has been that this camera uses 620 film which is not...

Brownie Target Six-20

Brownie Target Six-20

Well, Father forgive me for I have sinned. But salvation comes through confession and I have a confession: I am a Camera Junkie! I tried to hide this fact by saying I was a Camera Collector. Not just any camera collector, but a cream-of-the-crop "Canon Collector". I...

How to be a Better Photographer

How to be a Better Photographer

The Brownie Hawkeye is a simple box camera introduced by Kodak in 1949. It was fixed focus, fixed iris, fixed shutter speed. And it worked just fine. To aim the camera you looked into the viewfinder, the lens on top, and saw the scene through the top lens on the...

Creme de la Nikon

Creme de la Nikon

Well, yes, I know this is supposed to be about Canon. But sometimes we have to take a side trip to gain some perspective. And this particular piece of news is a tad discouraging as a collector. But I have always known there will be lots of cameras I will never be able...

Vancouver Camera Show

Vancouver Camera Show

I like camera shows. I'm new to them. My first was this past spring and just last Sunday I was at my most recent. After four shows I am beginning to know people and I'm starting to really enjoy getting together with guys who like what I like and "talk shop". The...

Shutter Tester

Shutter Tester

Old cameras are not worth a great deal in most cases. I am buying FT's and FTb's at US camera shows for $5.00 to $10.00 dollars. It makes no sense to have them serviced when you can acquire them so cheaply. Even paying $100.00 for a camera does not make repair...