Camera has Knob Film Advance
Of all the rangefinder models there are only 2 cameras with this set of characteristics. They are:
- No Model designation on Body
- Maximum Shutter speed 1/500th
- Has a Slow Speed Dial
- Has no View Finder Lever
- Has a Rangefinder
- Has Knob Film Advance
Model | Date | Model | Date | Model | Date | ||
Canon S I | Dec 1945 | Canon S II | Oct 1946 |
Seventh Question:
Does Camera Have a Pop-Up View Finder?
Early Canons followed the lead of the Leicas and advanced film by winding a knob on the right side of the camera top plate near the shutter speed dial. Eventually all manufacturers switched to the classic Thumb Lever which became the standard until electrically operated cameras made that unnecessary.
The first Canon with a Thumb Lever was the L2 which was introduced in late 1956 after the Trigger Winder proved unpopular on the Canon VT that preceeded it.
The Model S-1 was the Model S produced immediately after the war. This was a time of turmoil and upheaval and new manufacturing was difficult. These cameras were put together with existing parts. Canon records indicate 97 of these cameras were manufactured. For our purposes the distingwishing feature was the pop up view finder. The rangefinder was separate and used the round windows on the front of the top plate.
Another distinguishing feature was the Nippon Kogaku focusing mount which is unmistakable.
The S-II had neither of these features.
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