Canon Snappy S Brochure

The Snappy S is typical of the lightweight fully automatic film cameras of the Snappy series.




Canon made many series of cameras aimed at different groups of consumers. One group they identified were the occasional users who were not interested in photography but who wanted to take the odd family picture. These were unsophisticated users who wanted an inexpensive camera that was totally effortless to use. Canon’s last film series to meet these criteria were the Snappy cameras.

Beginning in July of 1982 and continuing until July of 1998 these film cameras comprised a series of 16 different models, more if you count “Date” cameras and different colors. They  are all lightweight plastic cameras with fixed focus lenses. They have easy, almost automatic, film loading features, totally motor driven, and all have fully automatic exposure. They have no means of setting the aperture or shutter speed manually.

Although made of plastic they still maintain a feeling of sturdy build and quality construction mainly through the fit and finish of all of the parts that make up the cameras. And they are easy to use in the extreme! Film speed is read 

through the DX Codes, aperture and shutter are set automatically, and film loading is almost foolproof.

The intended audience were people like my wife, Susan. She just wanted snap shots of the children and grandchildren. She is a technophobe and wanted something totally automatic that she could carry in her purse of keep in a kitchen drawer. These were a perfect camera for her. Unfortunately, because these cameras were inexpensive and were used by people not familiar with camera equipment, they tended to be roughly used and many you find today on the used market are heavily worn. The plastic marked easily and they were usually not kept in cases.

That follows is a list compiled from the Canon Museum of Canon’s Snappy cameras. The ones that I have acquired are shown in blue.


North America Europe Japan Introduced Battery
Snappy 50 Snappy 50 Snappy 50 July 1982 2 x AA
Snappy 20 Snappy 20 Snappy 20 Sept 1982 2 x AA
Snappy S Snappy S Snappy S (S-30FF) July 1985 2 x AAA
Aqua Snappy AS-6 AS-6 (Acty) Feb 1986 2 x AA
Snappy EZ Prima Junior CB35 April 1988 2 x AA
Snappy K ? ? 1988 2 x AA
Snappy Q Sketchbook Sketchbook Oct 1989 2 x AA
Snappy AF Oct 1989 6v  2CR5
Snappy V Prima Junior Hi Nov 1989 2 x AA
Snappy LX Prima BF BF35 Mar 1992 2 x AA
Snappy EL Prima Junior CB35M Sep 1992 2 x AA
Snappy CX Prima Junior EX March 1993 2 x AA
Snappy LX / LX Date Prima BF-7 / BF-7 Date BF35 QDN Oct 1994 2 x AA
New Snappy EL Prima Junior DX CB32 QD March 1995 2 x AA
Snappy AF32 Prima Junior AF March 1995 2 x AA
Snappy QT Prima BF-80 April 1997 2 x AA
Snappy QT Date Prima BF-80 Date April 1997 2 x AA
Snappy LXII Prima BF-8 BF35D July 1998 2 x AA
Snappy LXII Date Prima BF-8 Date July 1998 2 x AA


Some of the Cameras in the Collection

Here I have gotten ahead of myself. I never intended to deal with the “point and shoots” until much later. There are just too many SLR’s and DSLR’s awaiting my attention. However, organizing my boxes of cameras I began to play with some of them and this page sort of grew of it’s own volition. I will probably not get back here for several years but this will serve as a place mark to come back to.
Canon Snappy QT

C-470  –  Snappy QT in Black
Ser. No. 0818707

Canon Snappy QT

C-471  –  Snappy QT in Silver
Ser. No. 3353285

Canon Snappy 20

C-355  –  Snappy 20 Black and Red
Ser. No. 335975

Canon Snappy K

C-C-472  –  Snappy K 
Ser. No. 0710817

Canon Snappy 20

C-359  –  Snappy ’84 LA Olympics
Ser. No. 1110830

Canon Snappy 20

C-272  –  Snappy 20 Black
Ser. No. 970938

Canon Snappy EZ

Canon Snappy EZ
Serial No. 1874593

This website is the work of R. Flynn Marr who is solely responsible for its contents which are subject to his claim of copyright. User Manuals, Brochures and Advertising Materials of Canon and other manufacturers available on this site are subject to the copyright claims and are the property of Canon and other manufacturers and they are offered here for personal use only.