Leica copies and Minolta is an old love of mine. And then there are manuals for things I use such as my Sekonic light meter. I can never keep track of where I put the actual booklet but if it is here I can always get to it.
So this is where I am putting booklets and pamphlets that don’t fit anywhere else.There is only a rough order to it all and as it grows it may become difficult to search. Don’t forget the Index page if you are looking for something in particular.
Canon Demi Manuals
Canon Demi C Instruction Manua
Publication No. 5219A
Demi EE17 Instruction Manual
Publication No. 5270L
Demi EE28 Instruction Manual
Publication No. 5295B
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Canon Snappy Manuals
AS-6 (Aqua Snappy) Instruction Manual
Publication C-IE-120 (1985)
Snappy 20/50 Instruction Manual
Publication C-IE-090L
Canon Snappy EZ Instruction Manual
Publication C-II-142 I (1988)
Canon Snappy K Instruction Manual
Publication C-II-169H (1989)
Publication C-II-212 B (1991)
Other Canon Manuals
Miscellaneous Kodak Publications and Brochures
Instruction Manual for the Brownie Hawkeye Flash Model
Instruction Manual for Kodak DC40
Filters and Lens Attachments
Publication AB-1 Cat. 147 7108
Instruction Manual for the Brownie Hawkeye Flash Model
Instruction Manual for the Brownie Target “Box” Camera – I picked up this Manual when I purchased a New In-the-Box Brownie Target Six-20 camera.
Instruction Manual for Kodak
No. 2 Cartridge Hawk-Eye
(Model C)
Miscellaneous Instruction Manuals
There is no order to these manuals. This is a “dumping ground” for Manuals I have come across and that have interested me. They are all included in the Index so they can be referenced quickly.
Minolta A2 Instruction Manual
I have a really nice copy of the Minolta-35 Model II. I would like to shoot it but unfortunately the shutter is not working. Another project!
Instruction Manual for Sony NEX-C3
Instruction Manual for Clarus 35
Instruction Manual for Mamiya Auto-Lux 35
(included because camera is possibly same camera as the Canon Canonex)
Minolta SR-1 Manual
Asahiflex Instruction Manual
Yashica Model “A” User Manual
Yashica Model “635” User Manual
This filter guide for shooting film is short and to the point and basically very useful.
Leica If – IIf – IIIf Manual
Leica Manual – Publication 8385A
Kine Exacta 1936 Manual
Film Shooting Reference
Shooting and developing film I use several products for which I have technical brochures and flyers. I put them here because I need to refer to them occasionally and I don’t want to be continously going to the internet.
Yongnuo Manuals
I am in every sense an amateur photographer and I do not make money with my photography. As a result it is hard to justify spending large amounts on equipment like flashes and remote triggers. To save money I have invested is some basic Yongnuo equipment for my Canon system and I have found them to be excellent in every way. Would I prefer actual Canon products. Certainly, but with the money I save I can buy another camera for the collection! As a result I have posted these manuals for equipment I have for my own reference.
This website is the work of R. Flynn Marr who is solely responsible for its contents which are subject to his claim of copyright. User Manuals, Brochures and Advertising Materials of Canon and other manufacturers available on this site are subject to the copyright claims and are the property of Canon and other manufacturers and they are offered here for personal use only.