Well, by now I think you can all see where I want to go with this. I have taken pictures for 55 years and I still have every negative. My catalogue runs to almost 80,000 images! Not all of them are worth looking at but there are enough to make an interesting web site.

This will be a long process. When ever I get a few minutes I will post a couple of images. All of you should keep checking back here to see what’s new. And give me your comments. Correct my facts and give me information to update the site with. Use the Comments Box below. I will update the text accordingly.

I will try to note any major changes with a comment here in the Chat so you don’t miss anything. As the image collection grows the menu structure will evolve to accommodate them and I will certainly note major changes like that. The basis structure now is to have a section for Susan’s Family, a section for the Marr Family and then a section for things that Susan and I do together. The Family Chat is essentially a blog where I can ramble on about whatever – mainly what I am doing on this site.

You have no doubt noticed that there is a public section to this website; one that is not password protected. I want to develop that as a showcase for my photography. Enjoy it but you will find no personal family stuff there. All the personal stuff is in this password protected section.

Now, I want to post your family pictures to and if you give them to me I will put them up. Or, you can give me links to your photos and I’ll put the link here. If there is stuff you don’t want me to post, tell me.

This part of the site is password protected to keep it private. Don’t be afraid to give the password to people you trust. I just want to keep strangers from wandering through here. I will change it every so often and send it out to you but if you try to log on and your password doesn’t work, just leave me a message on the public part of the site and I will e-mail the new one to you.

Give me any ideas you have for what I can improve on. I am just learning this web site stuff and I still have a long way to go. Have patience is the message!

Anyway, Merry Christmas to everyone. Love you all.
